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Financial Planning & Investment: What You Need To Know?

Written by Plastk Canadian Financial Education Leadership (CFEL) | Dec 16, 2022 2:00:00 PM

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Are you thinking of purchasing a dream home but don’t have enough monetary backup to do so?

Are you planning on building your wealth and financial profile to get your finances in line for retirement but can’t find the secret to make it happen?

No worries, all you need is the right guide to financial planning and investment that can help you achieve your every money-related goal before the “gray-haired age” arrives!

Therefore, here is a detailed explanation to help you with every essential aspect of your savings, debt, and monetary growth.

Financial Planning: The Basics!

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When it comes to the basics of financial planning, the exact definition goes something like this:

“Financial planning covers the documentation of your finances and helps you set them on the right track.”

However, this is different from where you get done with a financial plan and everything in between. Surely, knowing what it actually means is important, but there’s no point if you can’t fully comprehend how to use that in your life.

Many people believe that creating a secret pocket in their wallet or opening a savings account is all they need to manage their finances.

No, it is a lot more than that.

Here’s the explanation:

Your finances need a strategy because you are supposed to manage

  • House purchase
  • Children’s education
  • A balance between earning and spending
  • Post-retirement life
  • Mandatory taxes
  • Loans and installments

Now think for a moment, is this possible with the help of a secret pocket in your wallet or a single savings account in any bank? In fact, on top of all that, you also might have to find a way to execute and achieve both your long-term and short-term money goals.

This is the reason why a financial plan does more than you think. It:

  • Analyzes the performance of your finances in previous years
  • Chucks out what went wrong over the years
  • Suggests the steps to mend the financial matters
  • Keeps you on the right track till the golden time arrives

“In short, a financial plan makes your money work for you.”

However, for that to happen, it will need details about your income, spending, debt, taxes, and everything in between in order to work to the best of its abilities.

The “What & Why” of “Investment”

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Just like financial planning, there are many misconceptions related to what exactly investment is. For example, the most popular opinion is that all you have to do is put in your hard-earned money in a project, etc., in order to get your financial life straight.

That’s absolutely bogus!

Investment is a crucial step in your financial planning that can make or break the dream of having financial stability and security. But, in fact, there’s a lot more to the term “investment.”

Which involves:

  • Investment is directly or indirectly your asset!
  • The sole purpose of your investment project is to boost your money and overall finances!
  • If the value of your invested money isn’t increasing over time, there’s something wrong with your investment choice!

Now, the key here is “over-time” because no ideal investment will double or triple your money overnight! So you have to wait patiently while playing the right cards to bear the sweet fruit. In simple words, investment collectively requires:

But the main question is: why is it needed in the first place? The answer is,

“Your financial plan would need something to execute the crafted road map related to your finances. This is where a good investment in the form of an asset would play a much-needed role and stabilize your financial life.”

Financial Planning & Investment: Is It For You?

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We have talked about the basics of financial planning and points related to investment. However, what about the question, “who needs these two the most?”

This is because unless you are aware of whether you fall into the category or not, you won’t even be able to start working toward your financial health.

So, every person should pay attention to financial planning and investment if:

  • You are not making use of a secured credit card
  • Your banking decisions are sucking up all the money
  • Income is spent as a whole
  • There is too much debt piled up
  • There’s a lack of direction and motivation for financial goals
  • Investment is not providing the desired return
  • You are skeptical about where to invest
  • You have done little for post-retirement
  • You want something stable for your family,

And the list goes on. Moreover, the combination of financial planning and investment can help you with your:

  • Monthly budgeting
  • Money-related habits
  • Expanding money-making streams
  • Saving for your kids right from the beginning
  • Planning for future stability and current security.

In fact, the correct financial planning and investment strategy can help you put your struggling finances in the right direction. Not only that, but it can also push you to make money goals and achieve them.

Related Article: 30-day Rule To Avoid Overspending!

Make The Most Out Of Financial Planning & Investment – Here’s How!

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Yes, you want to increase your financial literacy, but that’s not the only thing you are here for. Admit it; you are looking for the key ingredients that can help you with your financial planning. In fact, you are in dire need of an investment plan that can increase your income like nothing else. Right? Say it louder!

It’s good to grow your money, wealth, and financial profile!

Don’t worry. We got you! The points listed below will surely help your plan and invest the right way, with or without professional help!

1.   Evaluate where you stand!

You can’t start improving your finances unless you know your current status. Find where you stand financially, mentally, and emotionally. It’s important as you might need a whole lot of patience and effort to deal with what comes your way.

Tip: Analyze how much you earn compared to the investment market's needed requirement. Then what? Proceed to the next step. :p

2.   Ask yourself what you want!

Where are you even heading if you don’t know about the destination? Similarly, how can you make use of financial planning if you are unsure of your end goal?

So, ask yourself if

  • You want to double your earnings?
  • Change your social status?
  • Move to a new state?
  • Save for early retirement?

Or anything more. The answers will automatically help you decide what you want to do and what you need to do to fulfill that.

3.   Speed up your earning potential!

You are never going to save money if you are running on a single source of income. There, we said it! So, to score big, you need to expand your wings and try

And so on. You can look up how you can speed up your earning potential or see the video for more:

4.   Save from your earnings!


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You can definitely save from your current earnings by making the right choices. Like,

  • Using a secured credit card that doesn’t burden you with extra fees and effortlessly boosts your credit score.
  • Saying no to impulsive buying and “buy now, pay later” things.

Also, differentiating between your needs and wants can help you a lot.

5.   Track every single thing!

Keeping track of your Equifax credit score is a must because this way, you are aware if you are on the right track and nothing’s out of the blue going to happen with your credit score.

6.   Don’t let the loans eat up all your money!

Be prudent when applying for a loan in the first place.

Secondly, make sure to weigh your long-term strategy and see if you can pay the loan in the long run.

7.   Smartly deal with your taxes!

Lastly, don’t forget to deal with your taxes like a pro instead of the other way around. But what does it mean?

  • Planning the taxes earlier in the year.
  • Filing everything correctly.
  • Keeping yourself updated on the returns.

Related Article: How To Claim Tax Refund?


That’s it from our side, finance fellows!

Hope you find this article helpful and get all the information you need on the said topic. Still, let us know if we missed anything.

Lastly, keep following the Plastk Blog for more such useful content. :)